Simon Cottrell

Créateur de bijoux

Born and lives in Canberra Australia


2005 – 2010
Masters of Arts Research, Fine Arts. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMITU).

1996 – 97
Honours, Fine Arts. RMIT University Melbourne, Australia.

1994 – 96
BA, Fine Arts, Gold and Silversmithing. RMIT Melbourne.

Awards / Grants

Ronnie Bauer Research Alumni Prize, RMIT Gold & Silversmithing, Australiia.
Australia Council, New Work Grant.

The National Contemporary Jewellery Award, Griffith Regional Art Gallery, Australia.

Atelier Ted Noten Artist Residency, Redlight Design, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Australia Council Grant, for personal study into contemporary improvised music in NYC
2nd prize ‘Refined Abundance International Art Jewellery Award’ Opera House Art Centre, Texas, USA.

RMITU Postgraduate Scholarship.

Development Grant. Australia Council Visual Arts/Craft Fund For mentorship with Robert Baines.

‘KOODAK Peoples Choice Award’ Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group of Victora, Australia.
‘JOHNSON MATHEY AWARD’ For Excellence in Silversmithing, Australia.

LASLO PUZSAR AWARD. For Best Jewellery Design, Melbourne, Australia Collections Australia: Collection, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Melbourne National Gallery of Victoria,; National Contemporary Jewellery Collection, Griffith Regional Art Gallery Melbourne; Australian National Gallery, Canberra; Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth France: Espace Solidor, Ville de Cagnes-Sur-Mer, (Private Collections in North America, Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand).

Are they serious or playful ?… complex or simple ?… monotone or dynamic?… plants or anatomy?… Rocks or clouds? A collector said to me once “I don’t need to know if my brooch is flowers or exploding ammunition, I enjoy the changes that occur when worn in different ways”. Simon Cottrell

Sérieux ou ludique ?… Simple ou complexe ?… Monotone ou dynamique ?… Plantes ou anatomie ?… Rocks ou nuages ? Un collectionneur m’a dit une fois « Je n’ai pas besoin de savoir si ma broche est une fleur ou des munitions explosives…, j’apprécie les variations qui se produisent lorsqu’elle est portée de différentes manières ». Simon Cottrell

Cet artiste a participé rue Paul Fort à :

L’exposition « Au-delà du précieux, au-delà des mers » en septembre octobre 2013

> Lien vers l’exposition


'Cone with content' brooch 2007 (photo-Mark Ashkanasy)

'Six drops focussed reprise' brooch 2009

'Six drops focussed reprise' brooch 2009
'Three cubed slants' brooch, 2006