WEST Margareth •

Margareth West

Créatrice de bijoux

Born (1936), lives in Upper Blue Mountanis, Australia.

Margaret West is an artist who sometimes makes jewellery ; she writes mostly poetry and essays ; she is also a gardener who admires both roses and dandelions.

Studied art, philosophy, and music. Has exhibited widely in Australia and overseas and is represented in major national and international art collections. Her poetry and essays are published in journals, anthologies and on the internet.

Margaret West est une artiste qui fait parfois des bijoux, écrit surtout de la poésie et des essais ; elle est aussi jardinier, admire les roses et les pissenlits.

A étudié l’art, la philosophie et la musique. A beaucoup exposé en Australie et à l’étranger. Est présente dans les grandes collections d’art nationales et internationales. Sa poésie et ses essais sont publiés dans des revues, anthologies et sur l’internet.

Artist statement about ‘Beyond Precious”
Alphabets, anguish, apples, austerity, autumn, basalt, birth, blood, bridges, bruises, burns, cantatas, cats, cicadas shrilling in high summer, courage, the crunch of footfall on gravel, currawongs calling through mist, death, the roar of dandelions, desolation, early dew on a spider web, drawings, eagles, evening, faces, feet, falling leaves, first light, fire, gold, gothic cathedrals, graveyards, granite, gunmetal, hands, heartbeats, the click of ice on twigs, integrity, joy, lead, lichen, lovers, marble, moss, mountains, notes, the ocean, making a brooch, oranges, owls, pain, paint, poetry, pianos, pools of water, the late quartets, rain, raspberries, revolutions, roses and rosemary and rubies, the shadow of a flower, snails’ silver trails, the sound of breaking waves, scalpels, science, the white silence of snow, spontaneity, steel, stone, stories, strength, sweat, sun on skin, tears, torture, the smell of smoke, wind howling, vermillion, violence, viridian, voices, walking on the shore, wars, windswept grasses, wonder, words, wounds . . .

Cette artiste a participé rue Paul Fort à :

L’exposition « Au-delà du précieux, au-delà des mers » en septembre octobre 2013

> Lien vers l’exposition


Brooch – Petal, passing (2009) – basalt, paint, silver (925) – 100 x 75 x 5mm
Photo : Margaret West
Broche (2009) – “Petal Passing” – Basalte, peinture, Argent (925) – 100 x 75 x 5mm
Photo : Margaret West 


Brooch – when there is heat … (2011) – marble, ink, paint, silver (925)
85 x 85 x 5mm
Broche « Quand il fait chaud…” (2011) – marbre, encre, peinture, argent (titre 925)