Kate Inglis
Créatrice de bijoux
Born (1975) lives in Adelaide Australia.
2008 – 2012
Board Member – Craftsouth Centre for Contemporary Craft and Design Inc.
2010 + 2011
Member of the ArtSA peer assessment panel
Graduate Diploma Education – University of South Australia
2007 – 2010
Jewellery Lecturer – South Australian School of Art – University of South Australia
2005 – 2010
soda and rhyme │ jewellery design studio – Co-Director
Springboard – entrepreneurship program for designers
Workshop Adelaide, Darwin Studios, Metal Design Studio
Bachelor of Applied Arts – Jewellery + Metalsmithing South Australian School of Art.
Arts SA – independent makers and presenters project grant
Arts SA – project and development grant
Australia Council – established artist new work grant
Arts SA – project and development grant Craftsouth – mentorship with Catherine Truman
2002 Design Institute of Australia – Merit Award – Jewellery ‘Skin Deep Bangles’
Pat Corrigan – exhibition grant Carclew Youth Arts – project and development grant
Design Institute of Australia – student award.
Artist Statement
Since 2001, Inglis has developed an innovative contemporary jewellery practice by working with her signature material, poly vinyl chloride (PVC). The material is sourced as a clear flexible sheet and is manipulated by a process of colouring cutting and carving. Small shards of material are removed from the surface through intricate hand cut incisions creating new surface textures for light and shadow to play. The hard cut edges and sharp glittering prisms of colour generated allude to qualities associated with glass. To touch this work dispels the illusion as the material is flexible, supple and as light as air. Intuitive patterns and repetitive cuts into the material are inspired by experiences. Inglis continues to push the material by creating works that form a self portrait of observations, concerns and issues.
Depuis 2001, Inglis crée des bijoux en utilisant un matériau devenu sa signature : du polychlorure de vinyle (PVC). Il se présente comme une feuille souple et claire qu’elle manipule et colore, coupe et sculpte. De petits éclats de matériaux sont enlevés de la surface par des incisions complexes à la main, ce qui crée de nouvelles surfaces dont la texture permet des jeux d’ombres et de lumière. Les coupes aigues et pointues font apparaître des prismes de couleur étincelantes, comme celles générées par le verre. Toucher ce travail dissipe l’illusion : le matériau est flexible, souple tout comme la lumière, l’air. Les modèles intuitifs et coupes répétitives dans la matière sont inspirés par des expériences. Inglis continue à interroger le matériau en créant des œuvres qui forment une sorte d’autoportrait d’observations, préoccupations, questions.
Cette artiste a participé rue Paul Fort à :
L’exposition « Au-delà du précieux, au-delà des mers »en septembre octobre 2013